Uganda: The Community-Based Orphan Support Program Check-In With Mentors & Children

Uganda: The Community-Based Orphan Support Program Check-In With Mentors & Children

In June, ALARM checked in with the mentors and children who are part of the Community-Based Orphan Support Program (CBOSP). As of June, there are 360 children in this program and 50 mentors. The children continue to do well in school and at home; we are so grateful that all of the students’ school fees, uniforms, and materials were paid for which allowed them to attend school. The school mentors who evaluated their progress reported that the children were all staying focused in their studies and with their teachers. These children are committed to helping their caregivers at home as they participate in domestic and garden work along with income-generating activities. The mentors in this program are prioritizing the spiritual growth of these children and they encourage the children to pray, read their Bibles, memorize scriptures, and participate in other spiritual developments.


As these caregivers work alongside ALARM to provide healthy and loving homes for these orphaned children, the vulnerable children are growing spiritually and becoming responsible children who recognize that they are loved.