Rwanda: The Cyimbili Health Center Update

Rwanda: The Cyimbili Health Center Update

The Cyimbili Health Center (CHC), in partnership with CompassioNow, is continuing to treat patients and the third quarter of the year was a success! Within the third quarter, 3,499 patients were treated at the CHC. In addition to the patients treated, the clinic was also able to purchase 5 water dispensers to provide water to the patients at the CHC. During this quarter, the community experienced a high rate of acute respiratory disease and intestinal parasites. Despite the success of treatments in this quarter, there is still a critical need for funds for the clinic since the majority of the patients that come to the CHC are unable to pay for their medical bills which ultimately hinders the clinic from being able to buy the appropriate amount of supplies needed for the community. In addition, with the increasing rate of COVID-19 in Rwanda, there is a larger need to be met in the community. As we look forward, the identified needs are: continuous supplies (drugs, medicine, medical supplies, etc.), renovation for the clinic walls, psychosocial support and spiritual nurturing for the patients/community members, and raising awareness within the community on general public health & the importance of health insurance.