Burundi: General Pastoral and Women’s Leadership Training – Gitega Province

Burundi: General Pastoral and Women’s Leadership Training – Gitega Province

ALARM Burundi held a General Pastoral and Women Leadership Training in 3 separate locations in the month of March. The goal of this training was to equip and train church leaders in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, mediation, and other ministry skills to be used to address the needs within their communities. In total, 220 participants attended these trainings. As these leaders attended the ALARM training, they were educated, equipped, and empowered.

65 participants attended the training in Gitega Province. One of the participants, Hakizimana Diomede, shared his testimony after attending the training: “I am discovering that good leadership begins with the transformation of the leader himself, whereas we thought that the leader is used to transform others and this is where we focused too much effort. I will now insist on transforming ourselves as leaders of others so that we teach what we experience. Thank you for the skills in peaceful conflict resolution because our way of doing things created other conflicts”. Praise God for testimonies like this! We are confident that through these trainings, lives are transformed and leaders are empowered to lead effectively.