September 2022

September 2022

Rwanda: Cyimbili Coffee Project Update

The Cyimbili coffee workers are working hard to prepare for the 2022 coffee harvest season! There is an urgent need for funding for ALARM Rwanda to appropriately prepare for the upcoming season. As the workers prepare for over 102,615kgs (226,000+lbs) of coffee cherries, they need mineral fertilizer, flushing borehole facilitations, drying tables, and water tanks.

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Rwanda: Cyimbili Health Center Update

In the 4th quarter of 2021, the Cyimbili Health Center, in partnership with CompassioNow, provided treatment for 4,358 patients and provided additional services (COVID testing, disease prevention awareness, counseling, vaccinations, & spiritual care) for 14,951 others. Because of the Cyimbili Health Center, this vulnerable community has access to medical care and services.

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DR Congo: ALARM Staff Recognition

Our dedicated and faithful ALARM Congo staff members, Revered Marie-Jeanne (Country Director) and Reverend Theophile (Servant Leadership Coordinator), were recognized and honored for their impact in the DR Congo communities. Reverend Marie-Jeanne and Theo were selected among others and were honored with the Honoris Causa award. We are so incredibly proud of our ALARM Africa

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DR Congo: 2 General Leadership Conferences in Rutshuru territory

Reverend Theo led 2 General Leadership Conferences in the Rutshuru territory. One of the conferences was for pastors specifically and the other was for the entire congregation. The Rutshuru territory is known for its violence including lootings, killings, kidnappings, and rape. This community has historically been marked by trauma and fear. As Revered Theo spoke to

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Kenya: Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods for Women in Kilifi County

ALARM Kenya, in partnership with Kenya Community Development Fund (KCDF), is working alongside vulnerable women by empowering them through capacity building in animal husbandry skills, kitchen gardening, group management training, and trauma awareness. These women are trained and then gifted 3 goats to use for income generation and wealth creation. The goal of this 1-year

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Burundi: Entrepreneurship Guardians’ Training

On November 15th-16th, ALARM Burundi held an entrepreneurship training for 24 of the guardians who are involved with the Community-Based Orphan Support Program. The objective of this training was to equip these guardians with the tools and training to form 3 groups that will work together to start entrepreneurial projects that will ultimately provide support

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